full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Jeff Iliff: One more reason to get a good night's sleep

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, just as every cell rqieerus nutrients to fuel it, every cell also produces waste as a byproduct, and the clearance of that waste is the second basic problem that each organ has to solve. This diagram shows the body's lymphatic stseym, which has evolved to meet this need. It's a second pllreaal network of vessels that extends throughout the body. It takes up petnoris and other waste from the spaces between the cells, it collects them, and then dumps them into the blood so they can be dssieopd of.

Open Cloze

Now, just as every cell ________ nutrients to fuel it, every cell also produces waste as a byproduct, and the clearance of that waste is the second basic problem that each organ has to solve. This diagram shows the body's lymphatic ______, which has evolved to meet this need. It's a second ________ network of vessels that extends throughout the body. It takes up ________ and other waste from the spaces between the cells, it collects them, and then dumps them into the blood so they can be ________ of.


  1. parallel
  2. system
  3. requires
  4. disposed
  5. proteins

Original Text

Now, just as every cell requires nutrients to fuel it, every cell also produces waste as a byproduct, and the clearance of that waste is the second basic problem that each organ has to solve. This diagram shows the body's lymphatic system, which has evolved to meet this need. It's a second parallel network of vessels that extends throughout the body. It takes up proteins and other waste from the spaces between the cells, it collects them, and then dumps them into the blood so they can be disposed of.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
blood vessels 5
supply nutrients 2
living mouse 2
left shows 2
fluid rushing 2
sleeping brain 2

Important Words

  1. basic
  2. blood
  3. body
  4. byproduct
  5. cell
  6. cells
  7. clearance
  8. collects
  9. diagram
  10. disposed
  11. dumps
  12. evolved
  13. extends
  14. fuel
  15. lymphatic
  16. meet
  17. network
  18. nutrients
  19. organ
  20. parallel
  21. problem
  22. produces
  23. proteins
  24. requires
  25. shows
  26. solve
  27. spaces
  28. system
  29. takes
  30. vessels
  31. waste